Rant Relationship Wedding

The State of Weddings

A friend and I were talking about this yesterday.  There seems to be an upward trend of our friends (not even mutual friends) to announce their engagement and then not too soon after announce that they eloped/got married at the courthouse and are essentially continuing their daily lives like it didn’t happen.  Like they’re just …

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Life Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning: The Finale

Could I have done all of this in one day?  Not without killing myself.  But it is done!  My house looks nice and clean and airy and….yay! It could still benefit from a few personal touches here and there but that’s coming.  Overall, though, it looks complete and perfectly livable. I know it’ll get messed …

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Life Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Part 3: The Kitchen

So, yes, I did wimp out and not do my dining room. My kitchen took me four hours, though!  FOUR HOURS! It’s partially just because I’m kind of anal about my kitchen.  I like when it looks a certain way and the clutteryness (I know that’s not a word) of it recently has been driving …

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Friends Shopping Spring Cleaning

Aching Legs

I did soooooo much walking yesterday.  Dear lord.  I haven’t walked that much or that fast in awhile. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, I needed to do it, but damn my legs were sore all night last night after.  They’re still a little sore. E and I had such a great time, though. …

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Couple new things.

So in addition to cleaning my bathroom (yes, I did it), I also cleaned up around here. The new layout made a couple things stick out like a sore thumb and I wasn’t a huge fan of that. I didn’t change much, just changed positions of a couple pages, added a few buttons, and also …

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Friends Shopping Spring Cleaning


I dunno if I spelled that right. But one of my good friends and I are going on a shopping “spree” tomorrow.  I say “spree” because we’re both generally level-headed where money is concerned and not likely to splurge out a ton of money just because.  And in all honesty, I don’t shop NEARLY like …

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Life Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Part 1: The Office

Initially, I was planning to just devote one day to Spring Cleaning the house, but then I remembered who I was. There is nothing in me that is going to want to stay home and clean all day.  Nothing.  And generally, our house is pretty clean, it’s just a little disorganized and cluttered, which most …

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