So back in June I told you all about my new Rose Gold Erin Condren Horizontal Planner. I loved my Horizontal planner, I love having lines and more room to move around and all of that. But I’m not using it anymore for day-to-day planning.
I loved it, don’t get me wrong, it was beautiful, but there was something bugging me about it.
By nature, I’m a list person. I make lists all the time for everything. Even in the horizontal layout, I was making lists for everything. All the listing in the horizontal was making it feel a little disjointed to me, the flow wasn’t working.
So, I decided to try the traditional Erin Condren Vertical layout, with the boxes.
The crazy part? I’ve used her vertical layout before and hated it. Last year (a year before my horizontal planner) I bought a vertical and couldn’t ever get into it or how to use it, so I left it abandoned for a long time. It always looked so plain and blah and I hated it, so I stopped using it. In using my horizontal, I got a little more into making a planner and functional so I thought maybe now I can transfer that thinking over to a vertical boxy layout.
But before I’d make another purchase, I went back into my old vertical (which oddly enough was still current since it was an 18 month July 2014-December 2015 calendar) and experimented a little. For the first time in using the vertical layout, it made sense. There was a flow to it, it was sequential, which is how my brain thinks; and I can still customize it to work for me.
So, I took the plunge and ordered a new Vertical for 2016. I killed a couple of my friends hearts that I got to try the horizontal by switching back but it’s working better for me. And I still love the horizontal layout for long-term planning and memory keeping, but listing makes more sense to me. I feel more productive when I can just look down the boxes and make sure that I got everything done and in the order I wanted to (for the most part).

I’m really happy that I changed back over. I definitely feel more productive and just like with my horizontal, I keep it out and open most of the time either at home or on my desk at work because it’s just pretty to look at. I’m more likely to want to use something and to keep looking at it, if it’s actually pretty and functional all at the same time. As you can see from the pictures below, it still has all the same bells and whistles as the horizontal does; it has a note page after each month, an inspirational quote on the divider tab for each month, lots of blank note pages in the back, and even stickers to help you plan more efficiently.
If you’ve been wanting to give an Erin Condren Planner a try, you can click through this link and receive $10 off on your first purchase. They do make pretty awesome Christmas gifts for yourself or maybe for that person in your life that could use some organizing.
Happy Planning!!
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