Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Living

Take Your Vitamins!

I was never the kid that was good at taking their Vitamins.  I mean I’m from the era of the chewable Flintstones vitamins, but there was one flavor in the bottle that always made me gag just at the thought of chewing it.  Usually by the time I got to only having the grape ones …

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Healthy Eating Healthy Lifestyle

More water, please

So….I have a confession to make. I kinda fell off the water drinking bandwagon a little while ago. Yes, I know how good it is for you and all the health benefits.  And I have pretty lame excuses for why I did. I mean I could say that it was Spring Break, I didn’t care, …

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About Me Hair Healthy Lifestyle

Iron Man Needs to Share.

Because I need iron. So after the vampires had their way with me last week, I forgot that technology exists and I’d likely be able to check my blood results online. So I finally checked that last night.  Go me. Lipid Panel/Cholesterol is normal, Metabolic panel is normal, Blood Sugar is normal, Thyroid is normal …

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Healthy Eating Healthy Lifestyle

Cucumber Lemon Water

I just wanted to point out, that water infused with lemon and cucumber is amazing. And I hate drinking water.  I mean a lot.  I like flavor in my drinks, preferably in the form of diet coke syrup and aspartame. Yes, I know it’s bad for me.  But I love it.  I hate drinking water …

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