Y’all! Sales are so good this weekend! It’s been a minute since sales were this good, so this post might be a little on the long side, so….sorry not sorry. It’s basically a good weekend to do any kind of shopping and likely find anything you’re looking for on sale. So, let’s just quit the …
My Forever Valentine
This has been….a week. Our normal counseling department of 5 (which is finally going to return to it’s intended 6 this coming week as our new counselor begins) was down to 3 or 1 at some varying points. Partially due to random illnesses and partially due to various school events that we were all planning. As a …
Random Weekday Shorts
I’m feeling random these days, so…..here it is. *It’s been almost 70 degrees here the past couple of days….and it’s February….so I’m mad about it. I need it to be 20 degrees and snowing because….IT’S FEBRUARY! I feel like the possibility of snow is pretty minimal this year, which means snow days won’t happen which …
Paperless Post
So, would everyone horrifically judge me if I said we never sent thank you cards from our wedding? Because…we didn’t. It wasn’t intentional or meant with any kind of malice, it just didn’t happen. I thought about it several times and each time it was; “I’ll do it this weekend”, “we’ll sit and do it …
Day In The Life
I did a Day In The Life a couple of years ago when I was at my old school (AKA Hell) and when I looked back on it, it was kind of depressing. At least to me. Mostly because I disliked being there so much. So, I decided to do an updated version since I’m …
All The Best Sales
Guys! It has been a week. So much of one that I forgot it a three day weekend was coming up until this past Thursday. It’s really been like a week and a half of just…things; one right after the other. And it was just exhausting. Like 90% of this is work-related and while stressful, …
All The Best Sales
This past week was literally insane…I can’t even. I literally came home and slept 12 hours Friday night because I was exhausted. I didn’t anything until dinner Thursday and Friday and yet; I’ll still take that crazy over the hell of last year. Which all things considered….(like the fact that my school was on the …