ihop brunch
Saturday Shorts


*We brunched this morning. I mean nothing extravagant, but we do enjoy heading out to breakfast when we can. It’s fun to make breakfast at home and all, but it’s nice to let someone else do the dishes. *I keep forgetting that I’m off again tomorrow. I’m not mad about it, in the slightest, but …

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Casual Friday

Casual Friday #11

Today, I went into work on-time despite it snowing a bit overnight. What made it worse was my county was the ONLY county in the area to go in on time.  They even put a kind of snarky note up on their webpage to say that they would be opening on time. But thank goodness …

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Saturday Shorts Uncategorized


*It’s snowing!  But it’s Sunday so no one is ready to make decisions about having school tomorrow, so……here we are.  I just hope that they make decisions tonight so I don’t have to wake up at 5am tomorrow if it isn’t necessary. *We helped a friend move yesterday and I’m pretty sure Devon got a …

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Casual Friday

Casual Friday #10

So, let’s talk about how excited I am that it’s finally Friday. Can we also talk about the fact that I haven’t done one of these since before Christmas break?  Though in all fairness, I spent like three Fridays in a row in my pajamas or pretty darn close to it (which is part of …

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Healthy Eating Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Living

One Year Gluten-Free

So, remember about a year ago when I had to have a camera go into my throat/stomach, just to hear that I have celiac, AKA I can’t ever have my beloved gluten again? I painfully remember that. Partially because the procedure, while not horrific pain, was still pretty uncomfortable to recover from. And partially because …

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