American Eagle Cloudspun Sweater
Casual Friday

Casual Friday #8

Friday makes me happy. It always does. I have a couple of things to do this weekend, but hopefully nothing that will be too demanding. I needs naps. Today’s Casual Friday is based on a few things I picked up on Black Friday, including the most amazing pair of booties I found at Macy’s.  If …

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Money Saving Series

Money Saving Series: Saving at the Mall

Most would say that if you’re trying to save money, shopping at the mall or otherwise is probably not a good idea.  And while I agree with that in theory, we also know that there are times when you need to buy things. I’m not talking about a random shopping spree because you feel the …

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Food Shopping

Top 7 Aldi Favorites

I’m fairly certain at this point you all have met my love of Aldi, particularly if you follow me on Instagram. Aldi is one of the most budget friendly grocery stores that have ever existed.  Despite the fact that they’re usually about half the size of typical grocery stores, it’s still pretty easy to do …

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Saturday Shorts


*Sundays aren’t so bad when you only have to work two days before you’re off again. *I are so excited for the five days off we have coming up. We have a few things to get done at home (and a few of those things Devon will be helping me with) but for the most …

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Casual Friday

Casual Friday #7

It’s Friday and I’m off today!! Yay!!! This is after I unexpectedly had off yesterday for a snow day, so four day weekend; work two days, then off for five days for Thanksgiving. Not too shabby. So, today I am spending my day off heading to a quick doctor’s appointment and then I am FINALLY …

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Renewed Pinterest Love

So, I’ve kind of had a love-hate relationship with Pinterest in the past couple of years. When Pinterest first gained a ton of popularity in like 2011, I was all over it.  But in the past couple of years, I’ve had a kind of love-hate relationship with it. Maybe I pinned too much and then …

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Black Friday Game Plan

As everyone knows, Black Friday is next week, better known as the most dangerous shopping day of the year. In true fashion, I am choosing to not leave my house for ANYTHING that day.  But that does not mean I have no intentions of participating; I just prefer to participate online and from the comfort …

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