Casual Friday

Causal Friday

The beginning of the school year has left me feeling a slight bit uninspired lately.  I’m not sure why; maybe it’s all of the structure, maybe it’s back to having a dress code to adhere to, or the really long hours/days again.  But I’m longing for something a little less structured and a bit more…fun …

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Saturday Shorts


*I started taking iron this morning (as I indicated a few days ago here), and it’s making my stomach feel a little weird.  Though I have been told that goes away, you just have to give it a few days.  :sigh:  I still can’t get my actual blood test results on the Quest portal, though, …

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Saturday Shorts


*I woke up feeling somewhat rejuvenated this morning.  That hasn’t happened in awhile (meaning a few weeks….kinda since school started), so maybe it means I’m finally getting into the swing of the school year.  That would be nice.  It could also have to do with the fact that it isn’t 1000 degrees outside.  It’s actually …

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Frugal Living Simplify

No Spend September

Summer, for me, always has that trend of spending more money than I should, so when September rolls around my bank account feels a little lighter than normal. Back when I originally started in education; I didn’t get paid in the summers (since I’m a 10-month employee), so I had to be really good at …

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Saturday Shorts Uncategorized

Holiday Weekend Shorts

*I love long weekends. *Since it’s now September, I really want it to be fall.  Like…really….REALLY badly.  I’m almost angry that it’s still hot out, that’s how deep the autumn love is here.  I really want to start burning my apple cinnamon candles, but I feel like that might make me angrier. *I did, however, …

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