Y’all know I’ve been eating better, taking better care of myself, that whole thing….?
Y’all have likely also seen this meme (and others similar to it) floating around the internet, Facebook, Instagram….etc….?

It’s funny, right? I’ve always laughed…through all the romaine lettuce recalls in the past several years.
And then….
My doctor told me today that there is E. coli in my system…would you like to know where it came from?
I can’t eat gluten, so it sure as hell wasn’t cake.
I found out about a week and a half ago that a line of salads I’ve picked up for lunch throughout this school year were being recalled for E. coli. I saw the announcement, along with the specific varieties (two of which I ate) that were being recalled and I got nervous.
But then, I’m like…I ate these like a week and a half, almost two weeks ago, I must be fine because I don’t seem sick or have anything going on. However from what my doctor told me, it can live in your body for 10-14 days before you notice anything.
And it was about 10-11 days before I felt anything.
I’ll spare the details, but, I have now been “off” feeling for a little over a week as a result of it. I’m on an antibiotic which is working it all out and hopefully by the time I’m done the medicine on Saturday, it’ll all be over.
I will say I’m lucky in that it seems to be a really mild case. There was no fever, no vomiting, only the slightest bit of nausea, etc. My doctor believes the fact that I take probiotics is probably what saved me from feeling worse. The good bacteria tried its hardest to get rid of all the bad, but it couldn’t do it all. But, I am very happy that it did all it could do. I don’t want to know what a full blown E. coli infection would be like.
Seriously, though…I’m over here just trying to live my best healthy life…and lettuce is trying to kill me.
What kind of world is this?