Life has just been so screwy lately. Between car issues, all the counselors caseloads switching up at work (which is a whole huge process when you have over 2000 students to move around) and just life in general, this week felt like a week that I couldn’t get ahead of anything. Here’s hoping this week …
Mega Food Blood Builder Iron Supplement
I feel like I spend a lot of my life talking about my need for iron supplements, mostly because…. I do spend my life talking about them. But when you’ve had iron issues all of your life, finding an iron supplement that works and makes you not feel like hell all the time is miraculous …
All The Best Sales
You know those weeks where one thing after another just seems to happen? Welcome to my life the past week. I went last weekend to try and get my car fixed (something was leaking) and it turns out they didn’t have the part in stock so I had to bring it back this past Thursday. …
All The Best Sales
Since it’s Columbus Day weekend, there are some pretty decent sales this weekend. Particularly if you are looking for home stuff; decor, furniture, lighting, etc. We took a break in furnishing our house, mostly just because I wanted to focus more solely on my new school and getting settled there. But now that I’m hitting …
Favorite Fall Trend: All the Corduroy
Corduroy has returned! AND. I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT! I have loved corduroy all the things since I was a kid. I don’t know what it is, but it just screams fall and winter to me. When I first started seeing a bunch of corduroy skirts and jumpers (which also bring me right back to …
Work Update
If you remember back a few months ago, I told you all I was leaving my job (then current school). The environment was just very unhealthy, I was not happy where I was in the building and was basically losing all desire to even be in education anymore. Even more backstory, in case you don’t …
All The Best Sales
Admittedly, the sales this weekend are a bit lackluster, but that has a tendency to happen around October. Most places are holding out for Black Friday and holiday sales in a month or so for amazing deals. But, there are a couple of stores that have decent sales happening. H&M is having a fall sale …