this works sleep spray
Beauty Healthy Lifestyle Review

ThisWorks Deep Sleep Pillow Spray

Awhile back, I mentioned that I was going to tell you about some of my favorite products that I’ve received from my FabFitFun boxes because so much of what comes in those boxes is just so good.  A few things haven’t been as exciting as I would have hoped, but there are quite a number of products that I’ve definitely worked into my normal life rotation.

thisworks sleep spray

I got this Deep Sleep Pillow Spray in my winter box; so my most recent one (though my new spring one should be coming any day – yay!) and I have to be honest….


This is AMAZING!

I have what most would probably consider mild insomnia.  It used to be really bad; I pretty much existed on 4-5 hours of sleep a night, if I was lucky.  Adding structure and a routine to bedtime has helped immensely, as does not having a TV in my bedroom.  I spent a lot of nights with the TV on which does not actually help you to fall asleep.  Taking that out, going to bed at the same time every night, having a reading/calming 30 or so minutes before actually going to sleep to calm my brain down; all of that has led to me actually sleeping at least 7 hours most nights.

And it feels so nice.

But, I do still have issues falling asleep some nights.  Typically, once I’m asleep, I’m good, but sometimes getting my brain and/or body to fully relax and fall asleep is challenging.

And I hate Devon for it.  He’s one of those people that falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow (and he pretty much starts snoring the second he’s asleep) so most nights when I can’t fall asleep I’m cursing his entire life.  It’s not fair.

I have used lavender essential oil before; I usually just rubbed a small amount on my temples and behind my ears and it helps most of the time.  But there were still nights where I would need a little more help.

When I saw this spray in my winter box; I was immediately intrigued, especially when I looked at the back and saw that it’s mainly composed of essential oils.  It has lavender,  as well as chamomile and vetivert.  Vetivert, I actually researched a little because it was the only one I’d never heard of and found out that it’s known as the Oil of Tranquility and it’s good for helping to relax your muscles and body.  Adding that with the chamomile and lavender sounded like a beautiful combination.

thisworks sleep spray

This product works exactly as it states, you spray it on your pillow before you go to bed at night and it helps you fall asleep.

thiswworks sleep spray

I will say, however, it can be a pretty strong scent; at least for me.  I typically do two sprays on my pillow; let it sit/absorb for a few minutes before I lay down, and it’s more than enough for me.

I originally thought the bottle looked a little small, like I’d go through it pretty quickly. Even with pretty regular use since around Christmas time (and only doing about two puffs a night) I’ve barely put a dent in this bottle, so it’ll be around for a long time.

Loving this as much as I do, I decided to peruse the ThisWorks website and they have so many products related to sleep, skin care, bath & body; and everything is designed to be all natural and not have a lot of harsh chemicals/toxins.  They even have a Sleep Plus spray, which seems to be a more heavy duty version of the spray I have, so if you more persistent sleep issues, that may be a better option.

They also have a ton of beauty products; I have not tried anything outside of this pillow spray so I can’t speak to results of anything else, but if the rest of their products are of the same quality this spray is, you’d probably be pretty happy trying out a few things.

The spray I have is $29 on their website, plus they have free worldwide shipping through November 2018 (you can also save an additional 10% if you sign up for their emails).  Sounds like a lot, but like I said I’ve had this bottle for almost three months and it will easily last me many more months from now; so definitely a good investment especially if you would love to sleep better/deeper than you currently are.

If you have ever tried this or decide to try it let me know how it works out for you! 

this works sleep spray

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