*This weekend has been so insanely busy AND I have to go back to work tomorrow. The real kicker? It’s actually supposed to feel like spring the next few days. Unlike my actual spring break that felt like winters cousin. It does this every year in Maryland, so I’m not surprised, but it’d be nice …
Author: Stephanie
My Goofiest Wedding Purchase So Far + Shoes
First of all, before I get to wedding stuff, I want to point out that it’s supposed to be sunny in Baltimore today. After the insane winds and random rainy and doom and gloom of the past day or so, that’s pretty nice. Back to my regularly scheduled programming….I was out yesterday, because spring break …
Favorite YouTube Channels
YouTube is one of my favorite pastimes. I admit, I watch it often; probably a lot more often than I should, but if it helps, my TV viewing has decreased over the years. It all balances out, right? I watch some of the most random things on YouTube; I can go from a beauty product …
*One of my bridesmaids is pregnant!!! She finally told everyone today; she told me….almost a month ago and asked me to not say anything, which has been LITERALLY KILLING ME! Michelle is going to be the best Mom on the planet and I am so excited for her; I can’t wait for her to be …
3 Months!
I swear, each time I place the ” ____ Months” in the title and the number is smaller, I get more and more random anxiety. And not over anything in particular, just random stuff like; what if my hair doesn’t stay up during the ceremony, what if my dress suddenly doesn’t fit….. Just random shit. …
*My unintentional blogging break of last week was unintentional. I’ve been really good at having my content ready ahead of schedule, but last week was just a crazy week and it didn’t happen. So, we shall try again this week. *It’s Spring break this week….well….starting on Thursday anyway. I’m so excited. It’d be nice if …
*We’ve spent most of the weekend just trying to recuperate and get healthy again. Devon and I were both definitely sick the past week and I think mine was working on me for the week prior. So the weekend has been spent cleaning/lysoling the house, resting/napping and having homemade chicken soup last night for dinner. …