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Weekend Sales

All The Best Sales

I mentioned last week that I was going to start making a couple of changes to some things around here. One of those changes is that I wanted to use my weekend post to highlight some of my favorite weekend sales. I do it on Instagram from time to time and you all seem to enjoy it. I’ve also done holiday sale highlight posts here that you also seem to really enjoy, so this is basically just me doing it weekly instead of just for holidays.

While I still plan on sharing them there, I wanted to make one big post round up, as well, to make linking easier and to give you all one place to find things.

So, my goal is to have this posted as early as I can every Sunday to make sure you all have as much time to score the deals as you can while they are still valid.

This weekend Anthropologie has a rare sale of 20% off everything if you’re an Anthroperks member (if you aren’t, you can sign up here) which is a great time to make a purchase if you’ve had your eye on anything particular.

Also Gap and J. Crew Factory are having really amazing sales; Gap has up to 60% off and J. Crew is up to 40% off depending on how much you buy. If you are looking for some new pieces for fall and are a fan of either store, this is a great weekend to grab a few things.

This weekend I’m highlighting the Anthro, Gap, and J. Crew Factory sales, but it will vary from week to week what I highlight depending on sales. I’ll still do holiday round-ups like I’ve been doing recently as well!

Now…onto the real reason why you’re here…

Anthropologie — 20% off site wide for Anthroperks members, discount reflected in cart once you sign in to your Anthro account. You can sign up here if you’re not already a member to take advantage of the savings

GAP — 40% off everything w/code FLASH + extra 10% off, online only, w/code TREAT

J. Crew Factory — Buy More, Save more, up to 40% off site wide, w/code STOCKUPNOW

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