Aerie X Marvel Sweatshirt
Casual Friday

Casual Friday #15

This wound up being a three day work week for me due to the holiday on Monday and snow on Wednesday, and I’m still so tired today. I just did not want to wake up this morning. However, I would like to note, I do still like having Wednesday’s off and would still fully support …

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Kerastase Ciment Thermique Blow Dry Primer
Hair Review

My Favorite Hair Protection Product

If you’ve been around for a while, you likely know that some of my hair loss issues have returned. While I am seeing a lot less fall out recently and some signs that my hair may be starting to re-grow/do what it’s supposed to do, it’s still pretty thin and fragile and is needing some …

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Wedding Anniversary Trip

I was talking to a good friend of mine a few months ago where I said that I wanted to make a goal of going on a trip with my husband for our wedding anniversary every year.  I don’t know why it just seemed like a really good idea at the time and it seemed …

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Saturday Shorts


*You know that moment when you keep forgetting you’re on a three day weekend? So it’s like a present every time you remember? This is essentially been my whole weekend.  It’s so nice. *Apparently we’re due for snow again on Wednesday.  While I’m still all about snow days, I’m like waist deep in things at …

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Gibson Roll Sleeve Knit Blazer
Casual Friday

Casual Friday #14

Fridays are the best….and worst all at the same time. The weekend is sort of lingering right there just so tempting and wonderful (especially when it’s a three-day weekend).  But there is something about Friday’s that has a tendency to bring out all of the craziness.  Especially when you work in a school.  It seems …

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Random Rant

Off-Topic Rant: Snow Days

While this was not my original intended post for today, since I have a platform that I can use to talk about anything I want, including rant and complain from time to time, I plan on using it. I need to talk about snow days.  Rather, the announcement of snow days.  Pretty much every district …

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