Life Random


‘Nother snow day.

And it’s sunny outside.

I mean, yeah, I’d rather be in school in June when it’s warm but still.  THIS IS SCREWING WITH MY SCHEDULE SO BAD!

I need to get all the juniors registered for senior year by the time I go to Florida and this is messing with it.

On another note. ONLY 9 DAYS UNTIL ORLANDO!!

It’s going to be 75 degrees when I land next Wednesday.  It’s supposed to rain, but just rain.  No white stuff!

No need for a coat!

And on another note, my house phone has rang 4 times in the 10 minutes of writing this post. None of it numbers I know, or even local to my area or state for that matter.  It’s fun.  It makes me wonder if our phone rings this much when we aren’t home (and no I never check our Caller ID).

On the plus side, since it is sunny and 40 degrees, I’m going to go out this afternoon and get a hair cut because needed badly.  Why waste a day?

And make that phone ringing count up to 5, now.

Seriously.  No need to be this popular.

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