ACA Florida 2015 Devon Life

Florida, baby! 

I’m here!  I made it to sunny and got Florida!  Yay! 

Flight wasn’t bad at all (especially compared to the sixteen hour flight to Hawaii last year) and it was sunny and got when I got here. Love it. 

The Hyatt is beautiful. All the conference activities as here, too. So it’s making it really easy for me to never have to leave the building. BUT, there is a Dave and Busters across the street….and Disney World. So yeah, I’ll be leaving. Plus it’s gorgeous outside. 

I do have to admit though and most of you will either roll your eyes or want to gag, but:

I do miss Devon already. I can’t help it. We’ve been together every day since we moved in together. 

He messaged me a little while ago and was pretty much, “yeah I was fine until I was home and doing things and you weren’t here with me, then it got weird.”  So the missing is mutual. 

It’s nice that for the first time, I can’t wait to go home. Devon’s picking me up at the airport so I don’t even have to wait for the drive home before I can see my Devon again.  I even brought this little pillow he got me recently (not for Valentines day, according to him) because it’s cute and I can snuggle with it later. 

Yeah, I’m a sap. It happened. Deal. 

This man tried to cut a lock of my hair last night so that he could keep it with him while I was gone. SO ITS NOT JUST ME, DAMNIT! 

But other than that. Orlando is beautiful. One of my mentors and I went to eat when I landed because u hadn’t eaten all day. Italian food is the best thing ever. No matter what time of the day, what occasion, doesn’t matter. I’m an Italian in a Jews body. 

But I’m ready to collapse. Traveling is tiring, I did a ton of walking once I landed and I’ve unpacked so I’m so tired. My room is gorgeous, I’ll share some pictures of everything tomorrow. But I’m gonna chill out, watch some tv, talk to my Devon until we mutually fall asleep separately (haven’t done that in awhile) and pass out. 

Peace out from Orlando! 

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