Devon Doctor Who Holiday Saturday Shorts Wedding

Saturday Shorts

*If one more celebrity dies this year (and yes I’m aware that the year is over in about 9 hours), I’m rioting.  George Michael, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds….I can’t.  When Devon and I were out yesterday, “Careless Whisper” by WHAM! came on my iPod.  It hurt my heart a bit. Devon being Devon is like, “yeah, you’re not gonna dance again are you, George?   Damn 2016.” It made me sad.  No more.  Do not want. 

*I totally believe George R. R. Martin is behind all of this.  He takes everyone you love. 

*Devon is back to his old weird self. I still bleach-bombed the house a couple more times (and again this morning) but I’m hoping we’re past it.  He’s eating normally and everything seems back to normal.  Let’s hope our house is done with all of that for the next…well…forever. 

*We are having to change our wedding date, already. But only by a day. We will be getting married on 6/24/18 instead of 6/23/18. But more on that later. 

*I purged our office closet earlier.  It’s amazing how much crap winds up in there. It just becomes our catch-all because its not really used for a lot. Plus, all of the Christmas stuff is going to be going back in there tomorrow, so it needs to not have crap added on top of crap.  Now, I need to do the bedroom closet and the front hall closet.  I also have a ton of clothes and things to list up on Poshmark later. There’s so many things I don’t wear anymore but that are still in good condition, so I’ll put them up on Poshmark and see what happens.  There’s also a bin of purses in my closet that I haven’t opened since we moved in here, almost 2 years ago.  Clearly, I don’t miss or want any of it, so I’m going to list those as well.  

*It is New Year’s Eve, which means we have champagne in the freezer and our customary Doctor Who “The End Of Time” episode is cued up for later on tonight.  David Tennant’s regeneration is always so perfect for New Years and it makes me cry every time (it makes Devon tear up, too).  It’s so good. 

*Since it is New Year’s, I hope everyone has a great and safe night.  Please stay safe if you do go out and if you’re staying in, I hope you have a nice night planned for yourself and the people you love.  

See you in 2017!! 

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