I’m in a random place in life right now, so let’s just go with the random life update blog post kind of thing.
*I desperately need a hair cut in the next couple of weeks. My ends are just looking shabby and in need of cutting off. Of course I’m not exactly doing my Olaplex treatments like I’m supposed to so I’m sure Danielle is going to yell at me…but….yeah…I think she’s going to have to wind up cutting it a bit shorter than I would like, but hopefully that fixes a lot of it.
(When I say Olaplex, I mean this, just in case you hadn’t heard of it)
*I feel like I have a permanent to-do list and for every thing that I do, I feel like I add two more things to it. I mean….#adulting, I know. But, still. I feel like I’m in such a busy season of life and I don’t know how to make it stop!
*Which brings me to another point that I’ve had a few of you ask me; yes I’m on summer break already! Yay! I actually took a little personal time so I finished slightly before my school actually did, but regardless, I’m out for summer break! There’s a long story as to why I took some personal time, that I will likely get into later in life…maybe in a couple weeks, not sure, but this time has been very helpful for me; which was the point.

*However, Devon isn’t done until June 19th (for teachers, students are done June 14th), so haha to him….and its giving me some time to myself to attempt to get things done that he has a tendency to distract me from. For instance, I desperately need to start cleaning out our current home as we have plans to move in about two months. I feel like it’ll make life so much easier when its’ time to fully pack up all the things if we’ve already weeded through a lot of stuff. I’ve started going through one room and it’s already led to piles of things scattered around, which is going to start making me anxious…but I think I’m going to have to let that go for a bit until we’re moved and settled in a new place. :crosses fingers:
*I’m still on the jeans hunt. I’ve found jeans that are “passable” in the American Eagle Artist Flare. They work, for the most part, but they’re missing that level of comfort I found in my Lucky Brand Flares.

Ultimately, I am super picky when it comes to jeans, so understand there isn’t anything actually wrong with them. But I didn’t put them on and go “I never want to take these off” like I did with my Lucky’s. So, I grabbed a pair to try them out and break them in because I do like the style, but they aren’t my “replacement”. We’re still working on that.
*The irony of it being Celiac Awareness Month is that I think I got “glutened” over the weekend. If you’ve been around anyone with celiac and have heard them say that; it’s basically when we ingest gluten (because we don’t normally) and we feel like poo for a day or two afterwards. Symptoms and duration is different for everyone. For me about a day or so after eating it I just feel like I’m in a fog most of the day and my stomach is kind of noisy and rumbly like it was before I knew what the rumbling was gluten-related. Luckily, for me it usually goes away in about a day, but man; it’s not fun when it happens. I didn’t intentionally eat it; but it’s the chance you take at cookouts and events of the such. I’ll live.
*Devon has to work late tomorrow night for a BioMed program for his juniors, so he won’t be home until like 8-8:30, so me being me, I’m already planning what I want for dinner. I usually order in something I know he won’t be into (like Mexican); I just don’t know what I’m in the mood for. Maybe I’ll actually go out? I dunno, we’ll see how I feel tomorrow.
I hope everyone had a great long weekend!