
Tuesday Thoughts

I’m in a random place in life right now, so let’s just go with the random life update blog post kind of thing. *I desperately need a hair cut in the next couple of weeks. My ends are just looking shabby and in need of cutting off. Of course I’m not exactly doing my Olaplex …

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favorite gluten-free cereals

Favorite Gluten-Free Cereal

I’m a pretty simple breakfast eater. Unless we’re going out or having brunch, cereal is typically my go-to first thing in the morning. It’s easy, it’s filling and I…just like it. Back in the day, my two go-to cereals were Special K and Froot Loops (and yes that is the way it’s actually spelled). It’s …

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Saturday Shorts


*I feel like Kit Harrington basically summed up all of Game of Thones fans emotional states today. We’re not okay, today. It’s going to be a hell of a night (hopefully…). *Also: I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE…. No, I am crying. It’s fine. #ripgrumpycat *I’m making salmon tonight for the first time in….years…? Decades, maybe? I …

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Casual Friday

Casual Friday #21

I shared this photo of a new peasant-style blouse I got in from American Eagle on my Instastories yesterday and a lot of you went bonkers for it. Ya know, despite the horrible lighting, all the crap in the background from the renovations happening in that room, the insanely small mirror (because I’ve put a …

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5 Gluten Free Pastas
Celiac Uncategorized

5 Favorite Gluten-Free Pastas

On the off-chance that you weren’t aware; I love pasta. Pasta was essentially my main food source before I had celiac. I ate it several times a week in various compositions, found all the different ways to make it, loved all the different shapes equally (but was most fond of rigatoni). It was just my …

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Dining out with celiac

Dining Out with Celiac

For most people. going out to dinner is the easiest thing in the world. For people with celiac, it’s a bit harder, especially if you’re going to a restaurant that serves anything with gluten…. …Which is like 95% of all restaurants anywhere. So, suddenly, the thing that is supposed to save your sanity on nights …

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