This absolute goofball is 33 today.
I think I mentioned this in my shorts this past weekend, but this is the first year I actually had to think about how old he was going to be. Like the whole….”he was born in ’85….so….that would make him 33….damn” when a co-worker asked me how old he was. I’m not sure if that says more about him getting old or me.
This is his last birthday as a single man and he’s spending it working then sitting on the couch with me eating Takeout and watching the DVR.
And assuming that his students don’t start a fist fight in the middle of class (that was last week), it’ll probably be his idea of a rather perfect birthday. He usually prefers these days to be a bit low key. It’s just how he works.
In respect to his low key lifestyle in terms of his birthday, I’m going to keep this semi-low key for him with just a couple of his favorite birthday memes: