
Couple new things.

So in addition to cleaning my bathroom (yes, I did it), I also cleaned up around here.

The new layout made a couple things stick out like a sore thumb and I wasn’t a huge fan of that. I didn’t change much, just changed positions of a couple pages, added a few buttons, and also added a couple pages.

At the end of the day, I’m a counselor. And I feel that privacy is important. Yes, I realize I’m hosting a blog that opens up my life to the internet. But there is still privacy, and I feel that people who read this should be able to contact me privately. So I have a contact form and my email listed on a new contact page. Obviously, you can still comment on posts, but this way people feel free to comment or ask a question out of the eyes of anyone who opens this page.

In relation, I also created a privacy policy to state what I can share and what I can’t. Again, counselor thing. I don’t like when there are questions of disclosure or privacy so I wanted everything spelled out.

No, not the most glamorous of updates, but I want this to be a safe space for me and anyone who wishes to interact with me.

I’m a counselor.  I can’t explain it any other way.

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