
Creamy Spinach Dip

So I’m all excited because it’s a weekend that I don’t have to cook.

Then I remember, that I have a potluck/happy hour thing after school on Tuesday for a teacher who is leaving at the end of the year.


Yeah, I like cooking, but I also appreciate the times when I don’t have to.

So since it’s my cooking-free weekend and I know that I don’t need to do anything fancy for this happy hour, I decided to make a favorite of mine; Spinach Dip.

I don’t have to cook it and it’s always yummy (and has iron-filled spinach; always a plus for me).  Plus, it can sit in the fridge until Tuesday and be awesome by the time happy hour starts.  I picked up a couple pretty peppers, some baby carrots and some cracked wheat crackers that I’ll serve along side of it.

When I was perusing Pinterest for a recipe (because I don’t often make it myself to have a recipe), I noticed so many of them use seasoning packets.  I’m not gonna be an elitist and say that those are horrible for you.  I’m just not a fan of them. Partially because I don’t see a point to paying for a packet when I have a huge spice rack in my kitchen.  When I saw this recipe on Good Cheap Eats, I appreciated that they didn’t use a seasoning packet either.  Yeah, you use half of your spice rack; but it was all spices I already had, so I was okay with it.  Me being me, I altered it a little.  Partially for my palate, partially for lazy.  But it was still great.

Instead of the yogurt they suggested, I used sour cream.  I just like the tang of sour cream better.  Yogurt is healthier, but I’m fine with a little extra fat in the sour cream.  I also used garlic powder instead of real garlic because lazy.  I didn’t feel like chopping garlic.  Lazy is also what made me mix it by hand because, at the end of the day, it was easier to do that than wash my food processor.  It wasn’t hard to mix by hand.

5 thoughts on “Creamy Spinach Dip”

  1. Oh man, I’m with you. Sour cream is way better than yogurt in a recipe link this, and totally worth the few extra calories. This recipe looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Delicious Dish Tuesday! We hope to see you again this week with another great recipe!

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