Erin Condren

Erin Condren 2018-2019 Launch

You all have met my love of Erin Condren planners, right?

If you haven’t….you either have never been here before or….that’s actually probably the only reason why you wouldn’t.  But, I digress…

The new 2018-2019 planners are launching TODAY!  This is not a drill people…GO GET THEM NOW!


I mean, unless you’re like me and already ordered yours three days ago during the subscribers pre-sale, then good going fellow EC addict!

If you’ve never heard of Erin Condren; first of all I’m sorry for you; secondly I basically live my life through these planners.  They are the best planner I have found at this point to keep me together; plus they are really pretty and colorful and I am someone that if it’s a plain, not fun planner, I’m probably not going to be as inclined to use it.

There is nothing wrong with the plain/standard planners; they just don’t work for me.

I have tried many other planners and no matter what I do, I always seem to come back to my trusty EC.  If you want to fall down a rabbit hole, I highly suggest going through my Erin Condren tag here on my blog and you’ll see many posts where I’ve talked about the planners and how I use them.  I will warn you, you may hate me for introducing you to them, but I promise it’s a hate I can live with.

Erin Condren launches new versions of their classic planners twice a year; once in the fall and once in the spring along with some new accessories or bundles; which I love all of.  I typically buy at each launch because I use two Erin Condren planners on the regular.  I have one for work stuff and one for life stuff (which you can see by scrolling through my EC archives).  In the spring I buy my work one since, being an educator, I prefer an academic year calendar; and in the fall, I buy a calendar year one (Jan-Dec) for my personal/life use.

I realize it sounds like overkill to some, but I can’t put work and life into the same planner. Given what I do for work, a lot of confidential information can potentially go into my planner and I don’t want that with my personal stuff.

Since it’s spring, it means it’s time to buy my new work planner.  I use the hourly version of the Erin Condren for work; while school counselors can’t plan every moment of their day; it’s easiest for me to see what time certain meetings are or timed deadlines for things and whatnot; so the hourly has been amazing for work; so of course I stuck with my colorful hourly like I got last year.

This is the first launch in awhile where there weren’t huge design changes, which is great and my indecisive self happy because it made my buying choices easier.  I really just had to pick a pretty cover.

Erin Condren did a collaboration with Oh Joy! for some covers and they are gorgeous! So, of course, I had to grab an Oh Joy! cover and I may wind up going back for more covers eventually.

For now, I went with her Floral Festive design; it’s just super pretty and colorful (which I clearly need):

erin condren


Yeah, I know I’m a nerd, but it’s exciting!  It’s the first planner that will actually have my married name on it; that I will use as a married person.

Okay, I’m done now.

But, it is a beautiful cover and I love Oh Joy! stuff anyway, so it was just a natural reaction for me to get one of her covers with it.

And they have so many other beautiful new covers with this launch; here’s a sneak peak at a few more:

erin condren covers

They also have some new accessories:

erin condren accessories

And a new Move-In bundle accessory pack, which is basically the perfect starter accessory pack with pens, stickers, a dashboard/bookmark and more:

erin condren move in bundle


Erin Condren also came out with a new Planner Folio which I think is pretty cool.  They’ve always had covers/cases that you could put your planner in to carry with you – it’s great if you’re someone who carries your planner everywhere because it will protect it from things spilling on it, tearing, and even normal wear and tear.

erin condren folio

The normal cases zipped at the top and you just pulled your planner out when you wanted to use it.  This new folio actually fully zips around so you can open it up and use your planner inside the folio AND there are pockets inside so you can carry pens and any other accessories you may need.  It kind of reminds me of those zipper binders that were all the rage when I was a kid; this is pretty much a zipper binder for your planner.

erin condren carry all

Right now all the newly launched planners and accessories are live on the Erin Condren website.  When you order, during this launch you will also receive an Erin Condren woven reusable bag as a free gift with your order.  I have not seen these in person yet but I have heard from others that have them that they love them, so I’m excited to get mine.

Head on over to Erin Condren to shop, and if you shop through this link you will receive $10 off your first purchase, no matter how big or small.  And if you do decide to pick up some goodies, head on back over here so I can see all the pretty new pieces!

*may contain affiliate/PR links

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