Trader Joe's finds
Food Trader Joe's

Fall Trader Joe’s Finds!

Happy Fall everyone!!!

I mean, at least according to the calendar; it surely doesn’t feel like it here in the mid-atlantic with high’s up around 90 today. I swear, I have so many cute fall clothes I need to wear and I need to not die of heat stroke just by walking outside (because I am wearing them…take that Mother Nature).

I promise I’ll stop complaining about the heat (likely when the heat finally goes away…but it should happen eventually, I swear) but for now…it’s just how life works for me.

Since I’m longing for fall, let’s talk about one of my favorite fall activities; scoping out Trader Joe’s for their new seasonal items. If you need to get in the mood for fall, Trader Joe’s is one of the best places to go. They have fall finds everywhere and it’s starting to smell like fall in there with their cinnamon broom – things (that I know some people have very strong feelings about). I recommend staying in there for like as long as possible, this way you forget that it doesn’t feel like fall yet outside.

I went into Trader Joe’s a few days ago to check out their fall line-up and I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite things. I shared my two absolute favorite finds on Instagram last week, which basically just tell you how deep my love of cinnamon is (and how much I miss cinnamon rolls and churros).

Devon even likes both of these and he’s usually wary of what he calls “bougie snacks”. I told him he needs to stop being so snooty and eat the damn the churro bite before I do. #marriage

I have two prefaces to make before I show you the goods, however.

I will also fully admit, if you don’t know this about me, I’m super not into pumpkin of really any kind. I’m Team Apple Cider all day, everyday, and I kind of think pumpkin is mostly gross and obnoxious, so you’re not going to really see pumpkin items here (I realize half of you just closed this post out…but for those of you who haven’t completely shunned me), luckily Trader Joe’s has a plethora of items that aren’t fully pumpkin-y and that’s more what you will see here.

I’m fully aware some of what I’m going to show here has gluten and I’m #celiacforever. It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the fact that it looked super tasty; it just means I’m not buying it…because…ya know…intestinal damage and all.

ALL THE GOURDS! I normally grab a couple funky pumpkins for the dining room table, but since we don’t have one yet….I didn’t bother this year.

Now if they would make the Halloween ones in gluten-free….

These gave me an idea to see if I can make a gluten-free version of Apple Cider cookies at home. I’m not the best baker…but I’m still curious. I’ll report back, eventually.

All the candy.

Okay, they’re tortilla chips…I know. They don’t taste different. I’m aware. But they’re leaves. It’s fall…supposedly. Don’t judge me.

Hot cocoa dunkers….just sound amazing. Again, would kill my small intestine, but perhaps something to try out in a gluten-free version at home. Though, if you get these you need to tell me how delicious they are regardless of how jealous it will make me that you get to eat them.

All the seasonal butters/spreads. I grabbed a maple butter because…why wouldn’t I? I might go back and get an Apple Cider Jam for Devon because he’s pretty apple obsessed and I could see him putting that over his cinnamon toast and enjoying it.

I. Love. Cinnamon.

That’s all.

YASSSSS! I’ve only ever tried one gluten free cornbread mix and it was crumbly, but not in the good way. TJ typically has good cornbread mix, so I’m going to cross my fingers here and hope for the best. I haven’t made it yet, but when I will, I’ll let you know (likely on Instagram).

I know it has pumpkin in it, but it just looks yummy in spite of the pumpkin.

Admittedly, I’m not entirely sure this is seasonal, I’ve just never seen it before so I grabbed it. Devon talked about trying vanilla bean paste in his holiday baking anyway, so now he doesn’t have to get it.

This hand lotion smelled so good. It had a bit of spice (as ginger does) but it wasn’t insanely strong or overpowering. Plus it has shea butter, so it’s very moisturizing.

This Apple Cider hand soap was around last year (it was cheaper last year though) and I bought like three of them, so I still have one in my closet that I’m pulling out for this fall. It’s amazing, I love it.

I grabbed one of these for our guest bedroom (because it’s where my cat’s litter box is, so it needs help regularly) and it’s just this great light apple scent. We try to not go too heavy on candle/air freshener scents near our bedroom because strong scents can sometimes irritate mine and Devon’s allergies (and who wants that when they’re trying to sleep) but this has yet to bother us.

These wreaths are so cute, I just wish they were more for outdoor use as I still want a wreath for our front door.

Hopefully this helped add a little fall feeling to your day and here’s hoping Mother Nature comes to her senses…like….now….

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