
Nursery Room Inspiration

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that we started working on clearing out the nursery (formerly known as our “storage room”) and we also revealed the gender of our first child.

We are not those people who need a big gender reveal – so that was never going to happen. While we had our 20 week anatomy scan this past Friday, which is typically when parents find out the gender, we’ve actually known since about 13-14 weeks due to chromosome testing. But, we decided we wanted to wait anyway until the scan, just on like the 1 in a 10000 chance that it was wrong.

For the record it was not wrong, and if you aren’t following me on Instagram and don’t already know…

We are having a boy!

We are very excited, we even already have his name all picked out. We’re actually planning a cute little reveal of his name because that is weirdly more important to us than a gender reveal. But his name started as a joke for us, and then we fell in love with it and it goes really well with our last name. So, we will be revealing that soon.

But, I wanted to talk about our nursery today.


Like I said, we started clearing it out last week and made some pretty good progress on it. The baby’s room has been used as kind of a catch-all/storage room for us since we’ve lived here. Our goal was always to make it a nursery so we never did much with it in planning for that.

While it may have taken us a bit longer than we expected to be able to decorate it, we finally get to pull it all together so that our son can grow up in this space.

I wasn’t one of those people who spent hours dreaming of a nursery before we were pregnant because I felt like it would make it harder for me to deal with the fact that it was taking us longer and longer to conceive. It’s really only been the past couple of months that I really started to think about what I wanted the space to look like and feel like.

For me, my house has always been a haven for me – I want it to be calm and relaxing and I want the same for our son, too. I typically go with a lot of cool/neutral colors throughout the house, and I wanted to carry some of that into the baby’s room, but also punch a bit of bolder color into it since it is a kid’s room. So I want to keep some of the nice cool greys I have throughout my house and punch in some bolder navy colors as well. I will always love blue and gray together – it’s pretty much my favorite color combo. Having the neutral/cool grey will tie the room in with the rest of the house, but the strong dark blue will give it it’s own personality as well.

Sources: Bookshelf | Sign | Storage Basket | End Table | Crib | Glider | Light Blue Rug
Dresser | Pouf | White/Tan Basket | Floating Bookshelves | Toy Storage

We already ordered the crib and had it delivered to the house and we’re getting ready to order the bulk of the rest of the bigger pieces so that we have them and are ready to be put together after we have the floor taken care of.

I’ve also toyed around with the idea of an accent wall where the crib will be, but we’ll see how that pans out. I’m not sure if I’m DIY-y enough for that.

Hopefully, we can pull all of this together in his room in the next couple of months.

If you have any must-haves for a nursery leave them below!

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