Saturday Shorts


*I’m realizing, just now, that I didn’t get this done last week.  That’s just kind of how life is these days.

*I also didn’t realize until Friday that I requested off for tomorrow for a doctor’s appointment.  I mean, it’s a nice realization, but when you’ve forgotten you requested off, that’s pretty indicative of where your life is.  But, three day weekend it is!

*I’m also having one of those moments where I can’t tell if its a simple pimple (hehe that rhymed) on my lip or a cold sore forming.  I think it’s a pimple; it doesn’t tingle the way a cold sore does.


*We made the realization this week that is less expensive (and probably safer for our cars) to hire a car to drive us to and from the airport for our honeymoon than it is to drive ourselves and park in long-term parking.  Which is actually kind of sad.  But also exciting because we reserved a “luxury sedan” (yes that was still cheaper than parking) for the ride there and back; so it’s not like the airport shuttle where you’re on a van with 20 other people.  So, our cars will stay home and our rental management knows we’re going to be gone and we have a friend keeping an eye on everything for us, so we feel more comfortable with everything staying at home.

*Because I don’t have enough to do these days a friend and I have decided to throw our names into the workings of our annual professional counseling conference to present next year.  Why?  Just because we thought it would be fun.  So we now have a 30 minute informational session to present on.  We’re taking a historical perspective on what school counseling is supposed to be versus the reality of it.  Sounds super boring if you’re not a counselor, but you would be surprised at how different the profession is compared to what it used to be and what the stereotypes of it are.

*And yes, we did see Infinity War. Obviously.  I won’t spoil anything as far as endings and whatnot (and I admit this may be a spoiler, so consider yourself warned) but I had a great appreciation for the fact that RDJ and Benny C. were essentially in every single scene together.  It made my heart happy.

*It also amuses me to be in the living room and hear Devon giggle at something in the office.  Especially since he’s supposed to be working.  If he’s giggling, it means he’s not working


Welcome to life here.

Also, said guy has an interview at one of his districts high schools this week to teach Biology next year.  So fingers crossed!  About a dozen science positions opened up in their district in the past couple weeks and he’s applied to most of them and there are some really good schools in that mix.  He’s in the “I’m taking the first offer I get” mindset as his current school is just getting crazier and crazier by the day.  He’s so done and I think just him knowing he was secured somewhere else would make the remainder of the year less stressful, so I get it.


Alright, now to finish cleaning up and getting ready for the week (even though I’m off tomorrow).  Have a great Sunday!

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