Saturday Shorts

Saturday…er…Sunday Shorts

*Oh hey, it’s Sunday already. This weekend flew by.  

*I might have been in a fog, but I didn’t know MD was supposed to experience weird weather Friday night into Saturday morning but as most of you heard it became pretty treacherous around the city. There was an almost 70 car pile up on I-95, right at the exit I use to get to school every morning.  I’m just happy I wasn’t anywhere near it this morning.  IT is quite miraculous that only two deaths have occurred as a result of that disaster, though.  There were some very lucky people to make it out of that.  There were over 300 accidents around the area from the weather.  I am very happy I didn’t have to be anywhere today.  

*I’m kind of annoyed wiith The Limited right about now.  I love their clothes and all, but I shopped their big Black Friday sale online and it took forever to ship.  I get it being a huge sale day and all.  But, I emailed them a few days ago just asking for a status update, since I ordered on 11/25 and saw no movement.  It was only through that did they deicide to tell me that my order delivery was being delayed and it would still be a couple days before it shipped.  I finally got everything today.  I don’t mind waiting but a little communication would be nice to let me know that something was going on to delay things.  Had I not emailed, I’m not sure if anything would have moved (since it started moving miraculously after that email) or if I would have known about the delay.  

*Devon got the new Final Fantasy 15 about a week or so ago and has been quite obsessed with it since.  He won’t play his Playstation during the week when we work, which makes me happy.  Most people would be annoyed that he’s already logged so much time into it, but for me, the faster he works through it, the sooner I don’t have to deal with it anymore.  He’s very uch a gamer and I don’t mind, but Final Fantasy is one of those ones he gets completely sucked in to, so the sooner its done, I’ll be happy.  

*There is now only 1.5 days separating me from my Christmas vacation.  I can’t wait.  I normally make long lists of things I want to accomplish over long breaks like this, but this year it’s pretty small and specific.  I want to try and focus on purging a couple of rooms (namely my closet and our office) and spend more time with friends we don’t see that often and getting some wedding planning done.  House stuff will get done. 

*I’m also getting my hair re-colored (is that a word?) on Wednesday.  I absolutely fell in love with my hair being that darker brown. And now that most of it has faded out, I want it back. I want her to do a more permanent version of it, though, this way it doesn’t wash out as easily.  

*I really feel like blogging helps keep me more accountable for life.  There are a lot of things that I say I want to do, but I feel like if I write them out here, I’m more likely to do them.  I’m not sure if it’s because of the whole “there’s an audience watching” kind of “pressure” or what, but I don’t mind it, whatever it is.  So, I appreciate all of you for keeping me accountable, even though you don’t actually realize you’re doing it.  

I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!

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