*What is everyone watching these days? Devon and I just finished “The Haunting at Bly Manor” and it was really good. It wasn’t like horror-scary, but had a little bit of creepiness in it that made it really awesome, especially as we’re approaching Halloween. But now we need something to watch in its place, so we’re open to suggestions. We’re currently also re-watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the 20,000th time, as our funny comic relief kind of thing. But we need some drama, too.
*Did I mention that we finally put a TV in our bedroom? We got a new, slightly bigger TV for our basement, so our, now, old TV went up to our bedroom. We still need to mount it on the wall, but it’s literally the best decision we’ve made in awhile. I know so many people are very much either #TeamTV or #TeamNoTV in their bedrooms, so I know this can be controversial. We’ve actually never had a TV in our bedroom before. We didn’t have the space for one in our apartment and we just never got around to it here. But, now that it’s there, I’m definitely #TeamTV in the bedroom.
*Tarte is currently having my favorite sale of the year, which is the custom bundle, where you get 7 full size products for $63. Depending on what you buy, you could be getting over $200 worth of products for $63. IMO, no sale they have is better than this one. The sale ends either late tonight or early tomorrow. This is what I grabbed from the sale:

*I’m kind of growing tired of it being warm-ish and rainy here while it’s cold and snowy in Texas. This climate change deal is some BS, I want it cold here. That is all.
*I’m already ready to decorate for Christmas. I didn’t really do much last year, but I think it was more because we put the tree in the living room which was still pretty barren last year at this time, so I just wasn’t feeling the whole decorating thing. But now that the house is (mostly) done, and because 2020 has literally sucked all of the life out of me, I’m ready to start decorating for my favorite holiday. I’ve been browsing Target and Walmart (who has really upped their decor game this year) for some affordable ideas to spruce up the house for the holidays. Soooo….some things might be coming in the mail in the next few days….and Devon’s laughing at me for it. But…it’s happening.
*I keep forgetting that Devon and I are off on Tuesday for Election Day. It might be because we already voted, so it’s not like something we have to go out and do on Tuesday. It could also be because working from home has literally made all of the days of the week all blend together for me. Who knows. But Devon is “making” us both actually take the day off on Tuesday. That means neither of us is going to do any work in any way, shape, or form. Neither of us has taken a day off this year and we honestly both work most of the weekends as well so that we aren’t in our office until 9pm every night to keep up with everything. We’ll see how that goes. We’re both notoriously bad at “off” days.
*Apparently today is National Cat Day. Krieger is acting like a crazy cat today to celebrate the day. He’s almost 7 months old and he’s kind of almost in like a pre-teen angsty daredevil stage. He leaps on and off of things that make my blood pressure go up because he’s “invincible”. He goes from super sweet and cuddly to crazy-ass playful in like 2.3 seconds. He’s batshit, it’s fine. He’s also getting huge. I know I’ve said this before, but he’s going to be a big cat. He’s already about the size Maya was when she was fully grown, and he’s not done yet (we can tell by his enormous feet/paws). But ya, know Happy Cat Day to this crazy ass kitten who resides here.

And I can’t acknowledge National Cat Day without showing some love to my first baby. My sweet little Maya. I do still miss her; Krieger has helped immensely, but she was mine first and I loved that sweet little ornery old lady so much.

*Hope everyone is having a great week!