Life Work Work Stuff

Back to reality

Spring Break was nice and all…but…I guess it’s over now.

I came back to about 50 emails (not counting random spam) and 5 voicemails to respond to.  Not bad. It could have been worse, I guess.

I’ve already had kids in an out of my office all morning.

Admittedly, I didn’t do a lot of “Work” over break.  I really just took…a break.  Which I semi-regret at this moment because I have a lot to do.  But I needed it.  And that’s what I keep telling myself.

I’m also out, already, tomorrow morning. I KNOW!  But it’s professional development.  It’s not like I’m just sleeping in or anything crazy like that.

I’m also out on Friday. Again, professional development!  Not leisure time.

I’ve been running around for the three hours I’ve been back.  I guess my metabolism needed a boost anyway.  So, there’s that.

Yeah…sooo…back to work I go.


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