It’s Friday and I’m off today!! Yay!!! This is after I unexpectedly had off yesterday for a snow day, so four day weekend; work two days, then off for five days for Thanksgiving. Not too shabby. So, today I am spending my day off heading to a quick doctor’s appointment and then I am FINALLY …
Category: Casual Friday
Casual Friday #6
It’s Friday!!!! And, it’s a Professional Development Day which means I actually get to have a Casual Friday. I even got to have a Casual Thursday because we had a school-wide dress down day yesterday, so it’s like two days of presents! I went a bit more comfy today than I did yesterday. When we …
Casual Friday #5
Who else didn’t want to get out of bed on this chilly Friday morning? :waits for everyone to raise their hands: I got out of bed, as I do every morning, at 5 am and just cursed life in its entirety. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep and not go to work …
Casual Friday #4
IT’S COLD OUTSIDE! Okay, maybe not “cold”, but it’s definitely not summery like it’s felt for what feels like forever, at this point. It’s like 55, some wind (which I’m guessing is some of the tropical depression, or whatever). Like today would be the perfect day for some fall cozies. Like a chunky sweater, scarf, long …
Casual Friday #3
I really kind of wish this was last Friday so I could have a Game of Thrones tee and jeans on, and actually observe Casual Friday. But alas, it’s a regular Friday and we have mass at school today (Catholic school, ftw) and a couple of large group activities, so I have to look nice …
Casual Friday #2
Oh Friday, how I love you. Has it been one of those weeks for anyone else, or just me? Like everything that could irritate me, make me want to sleep for a week, or give me a headache seemed to happen. I’m so ready to go home, get my PJ’s on and get my weekend …
Causal Friday
The beginning of the school year has left me feeling a slight bit uninspired lately. I’m not sure why; maybe it’s all of the structure, maybe it’s back to having a dress code to adhere to, or the really long hours/days again. But I’m longing for something a little less structured and a bit more…fun …