ACA ACA Florida 2015 ACA Hawaii 2014 Work

I’m going to Disney World!!

No, seriously though.  One month from today (our second Friday the 13th in a row) I will be here: The gorgeous Hyatt Regency in Orlanda Florida.  Which is so very literally directly across the street from: Guys…..guys… excited. I mean…I am there to WORK and all, but if you think in the four days I’m there …

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Memories Work

Thanks, Timehop

Thanks for reminding me of the worst day of my career I’ve ever had. A year ago today I had to do one of the things that counselors dread which is report abuse.  And this one just hit me so hard, I was actually losing composure while I was making the report.  I had to …

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Educators = Lazy???

A debate sparked on my Facebook yesterday. Most of my area schools were closed because it was pretty icy and slick yesterday.  My county was the one main exception in the metro area and was just on a two-hour delay.  I, like a lot of people, whined a bit.  Mainly just because I’m afraid to …

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Life Work

A No-Good, Horrible, Semi-Bad Day

Ugggghhhh. I dislike driving in ice.  Snow is fine.  Ice is horrible.  Thank you county schools for only being two hours late and making almost slide off the road twice. Then I leave my school laptop at home, which I kinda sorta need. Then I also left part of my lunch at home. And to …

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About Me Work

Breaking News!

Well…it’s not really.  At least if you’re on my Facebook it isn’t breaking news anymore. So, remember a couple of weeks ago I was all excited saying something awesome might have happened but I wasn’t going to say it yet and that, no, I wasn’t pregnant? Well, I’m still not pregnant, as far as I …

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Life Work

I can’t reach the remote….

I mean, it’s on the coffee table that is in front of the couch I’m currently sprawled out on…but….it’s so far away. I know as of late, I have a tendency to be lazy on weekends, but I ramped it ten-fold this weekend. The most I’ve done is make bacon for brunch this morning (as …

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Counseling Random Work

Whata Wednesday…

Wednesdays are my least favorite days of the week. It’s the middle of the week so the beginning of the week energy is gone and it’s not the end of the week so the excitement for the weekend isn’t there yet either. It’s just blah. Then to add insult to injury, I usually spend all …

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