Casual Friday

Causal Friday

The beginning of the school year has left me feeling a slight bit uninspired lately.  I’m not sure why; maybe it’s all of the structure, maybe it’s back to having a dress code to adhere to, or the really long hours/days again.  But I’m longing for something a little less structured and a bit more…fun and casual, maybe?  I guess?

‘You’ve probably also noticed that blogging has become a bit more sporadic again.  It’s not that I have nothing to say; far from it.  I think its just getting back into the routine of school/work and being even busier this year than I was last school year has left me a bit devoid of energy at the end of the day/weekend to do a lot of what I need to do.

One of the things I’m kind of annoyed with this year, admittedly irrationally, is the lack of Casual Friday’s here.  We kinda sorta did it last year in a low-key sort of way.  So, no one ever showed up with messy jeans and a slept in tee or anything, but most Friday’s we all wore like our “fancy” jeans and a blouse or a more casual dress or something.

This year it’s “no jeans ever unless it’s a school-directed dress down day”.  :sigh:

It doesn’t sound like a big thing and I fully admit that it isn’t, but at the same time, it was always something I looked forward to.

Last Friday I was looking in my closet and thinking, “man, there’s so much I could wear with jeans today” and I got sad because I couldn’t do that.

#firstworldproblems…I KNOW!

At least I’m admitting it.

So, I kinda decided to do Casual Friday on here because in my head it sounded like a lot of fun and it gave me something to look forward to.

It’s like a double win!  For me, anyway…..I mean…you guys, too….but also for me.

So, I’m thinking on Fridays, sharing what I would prefer to be wearing over whatever “professional” attire I have on that day, maybe any other links or loves I’ve come across in my internet travels that week, that kind of thing.

Since today is Friday, how about we just start today?

I preface this inaugural Casual Friday by stating, I’m not in full professional attire today, but not necessarily in anything I want to wear either.  Today is a field day, type of day at my school where all of the grades are competing against each other in games.  So two classes are wearing purple, two are wearing white, so being the grade impartial faculty member I am, I’m essentially decked out in all purple and white….none of what I’m wearing I would put together on a normal day unless I got dressed while asleep.

That being said, let’s get to what I would rather wear today:

old navy ruffle top

Lightweight Ruffle-Trim Swing Top – Old Navy

Mid Rise Thick Stitch Stretch Bell Flare Jeans

Mid Rise Thick Stitch Stretch Bell Flare Jeans – Express

Reversible Belt

Reversible Belt – H&M

TOMS ash classics

TOMS Ash Classics Slip ons 

Coin chain y necklace

Coin Chain and Glitzy Y Necklace – A New Day – Target

Yeah, I’d very happy to spend the day in this.

Anyone rocking the comfy look on this Friday?




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