Rambles Random

Friday Rambles


This has been the longest week in creation. I don’t know why.  But it just felt like this week has dragged on and on.

At 3:00pm today, I will be all about this life:

We’re having a faculty vs. softball team softball game today.  This is bound to be hilarious, but I’m not sure if it’ll be hilarious in a good way.  A bunch of 30 and 40-somethings going up against 15 year olds.  This is gonna be horrible. I have no issues spectating, though.

One of our teachers is getting married this summer, so there’s a “shower” for her tomorrow.  It’s not really a shower.  It’s mainly just all us faculty getting together to have a drink in the backyard of another teacher in celebration of her marriage.  I wouldn’t call it a “shower”, but a get together, of sorts.  It should be fun, though.  There will be cake.  Every good thing has cake.

This is my last full week of school for the year. YAY!! Today is also the seniors last day of school.  They have finals next week (which means they’re here for a couple hours each morning) and then graduation the week after.  So school will be super quiet for the remainder of the year.

But after this week, I have at least one day each week out of school for one reason or another until the end of the year.  I’m not complaining.  Four day work weeks will be nice.

Then I’m taking a couple weeks off (not necessarily from blogging) to relax and then I’m doing camp again for about three weeks.  It’s all I want to do this summer.  I have the ability to not work all summer so I’m going to take it and chill out.  Once camp is over, I’ll be off for a couple weeks again and then I’ll be back to school.

Devon and I would like to take a vacation in there somewhere.  We don’t know where to go, though, so we’ll see.  Maybe we’ll just put the money we would spend on a small vacation this summer toward our British/Swiss honeymoon that we’re planning for eventually.

So can’t wait for 3:00pm right now, though.  I feel like it’s going to take forever to get here.

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