Game of Thrones TV

Game of Thrones Premiere Night!



I couldn’t be more excited if I tried.  It’s one of the few shows I watch religiously when it’s airing.  It’s not DVR’ed or downloaded.  Nope.  Watch it every Sunday night live on HBO.

To get ready, Devon and I have re-watched all the prior seasons (yes, all four).  We started in December, re-watching an episode or two a week to get ready for tonight.  Tonight, we have the last two episodes of season four to watch before the premiere.

We’re also going to be feasting, semi Game of Thrones style before the show.  I’m making The Hound’s favorite food of chicken.  Except I’m not going to just throw a whole chicken on something and make it black.  I’ll make it slightly less medieval with some potatoes and onions and lemons and only using the thighs and legs.

I’m excited, but a little nervous though.  I keep seeing things that say that they’re really deviating from the book a lot this season.  I’m not sure how that is going to go.  I haven’t fully agreed with a lot of their prior deviations, so I’m nervous.  I love the books, so I’m hoping they keep the integrity of the books and not give into the need for shock value for TV.

Who else is excited for the return tonight?!?!

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