new year new me
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Happy New Year!

It’s the new year! Which is supposed to mean all new everything, right?


I’m not sure I’ve ever fully bought into that, especially when the year that just ended was pretty damm good.

I mean…

There was the first of three weddings of the year (and the first time I’d seen Devon in a full suit in…maybe ever? (And yes, the first time I wore a dress in about as long.)



New hair, who dis?


Devon left the school that caused him so much stress after five years and is SUPER happy at his new school.


And of course….the whole wedding thing (FINALLY) happened.


A nice long trip to England and Wales, NDB…..




I also got to spend a little time back “home” in Frostburg, MD. 



And Christmas is always my favorite part of the year.  



I would think 2019 has something to live up to here. 

In reality, I don’t usually make resolutions.  Sometimes I’ll choose a word that I want to represent my year, but I don’t even want to do that this year. 

There’s really only one thing I want to work toward this year and that is buying a home. We both really want a place that is completely ours where we don’t have to share walls with neighbors or have to deal with loud noise or anything like that.  

Anything else good to come out of the year would just be the icing on the cake for us.  If e can hit our timetable that we have and get into a house that we both want and love, that would be enough.  

Are there any big goals you’re working toward in the new year?



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