We have now lived in our new house for almost a month, which seems crazy because I feel like we still just moved in yesterday (and if you saw my IG stories yesterday, which I did save to my “New House” highlight, it looks like we still just moved in in a lot of the rooms).
We’re learning things about the house and the area as we live here and figuring out how things work. Most of what we’re learning is great (like we have a Smart Thermostat in the house that we can control through apps on our phones – which is amazing) but, with any home, there are those couple of things that are just unfortunate and unhelpful.
For instance, we’re learning that we have super hard water in this house, which is sad.
Devon being a science teacher is helpful here because he was actually able to get a small water tester so we could test the faucets and, I don’t remember what the full test showed, but basically we have a pretty high mineral count in our water here. It’s not well water, we do have city/county water, so it’s not THAT bad..but it’s worse than what we’re used to. So, we’re looking into faucet/shower head filters and whatnot to try and combat some of the issues that can arise from it.
But, the one issue I’m already having is that it’s causing my hair to be a bit drier than it needs to be. If you’ve been around here for a bit, you know I’ve struggled with my hair for a few years; I’ve had some hair loss issues that resolved a lot and have reappeared a bit due to an overwhelming amount of stress in the past year, which you can see chronicled in this hair category.
The last thing I need as I’m trying to take care of my hair again is to have super hard water interfering in my hair care. I already am noticing that it’s drying my hair out a bit more than it should, which can lead to breakage and more damage than my hair needs.
So, I’m looking for my super hard water friends and to see how you all have handled managing your hair in hard water.
I will start off by saying, I only shampoo my hair 2-3 times a week…and lately it’s only 2x/week; 3x only happens usually in the middle of summer when I’m super hot and sweating. I do also use a special shampoo/conditioner for hair loss, which isn’t super moisturizing as it’s not supposed to be and I don’t want to change that. I’ve been adding a little dollop of deep conditioner to my hair when I run the the conditioner through my hair, but I know it’s not helping mineral buildup on my hair, which is what will do the actual damage.
I did find in some researching that this line from Malibu Haircare is helpful for people with hard water to remove the mineral and chemical buildup from your hair. It’s like a clarifying shampoo but is created specifically to target any mineral deposits in your hair and remove them.

I know we ultimately need to get a faucet or house filter on everything and all of that is pretty expensive; it’s going to happen just not likely at this moment, so I need something that can help my hair now before damage is done to it.
If you deal with this issue and have suggestions on how you’ve dealt with it, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email and let me know what has worked for you. And yes, I know I can wash my hair with bottled water…but…I genuinely don’t want to unless it’s completely necessary – that’s just a lot.
I am going to try this Malibu line in addition to my normal shampoo and conditioner and see if this helps, but I am open to any and all other suggestions as well.