School Counselor Work

Master’s Degree

I’m so upset.

I wrote this whole long post about how I feel as a counselor since Timehop reminded me that I graduated with my Master’s Degree three years ago today.

But, it’s disappeared.  It told me it posted. But…it didn’t. It’s no where to be found.

If it shows up, I’ll delete this.  But….sadness.

Basically,Timehop reminded me of:

Overall, I’ve enjoyed the past three years of being a counselor.  There are some rough moments when I have to do things that I don’t want to even though I know it’s for the benefit of the kids.  There are days when I’m bolting out of the door at 3:15pm because it’s either been a long day or an emotionally taxing one, or something.  Then there are some days where I’m still sitting at 4:30 talking to other faculty members and losing track of time.

It’s definitely not a profession for everyone.  But three years later; I love it and I’d do my degree all over again to do what I do.

Thirty years from gradutaion will I still say the same?

I don’t know.  Ask me in 27 years.

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