Happy October 1st!!
October kind of feels like the unofficial introduction to the holiday season to me. Halloween is at the end of the month; all the stores are full of holiday goodies, it’s finally getting colder, the days are shorter and everyone is gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It was either the first or second year that Devon and I lived together (I honestly can’t remember anymore) that we decided to, basically, celebrate Halloween all month by watching a spooky/scary movie every night. We love thrillers/scary/Halloween-themed movies anyway and own so many that we just thought….why not make use of the collection!
I mean, TV stations celebrate Christmas all December with a different Christmas/holiday-themed movie every night, why not Halloween? I genuinely can’t do Christmas movies, for the most part; they’re so hokey (though, admittedly, some Halloween movies are kind of hokey in their own way; I still love them). I enjoy a happy ending as much as the next person, but I’ll take a thriller over hokey anytime.
So, every night in October, we pick a movie, turn all the lights off (because what’s the point of watching a scary movie if all the lights are on?), light one of our many candles and watch to our hearts content.
If you aren’t into scary movies, none of this sounds appealing to you, I understand. But if you are, check out our schedule for this year:

I fully admit, some of these movies are…horrible…like they’re more funny than scary, but they’re so horrible that we have to watch them (like “House of Wax”…it’s so bad….but we watch it anyway).
You’ll also notice that we do some series like “Halloween” and “Nightmare on Elm Street” but we don’t do all of them, mostly because we don’t like all of them. Don’t get me wrong we own them (thanks to having a husband who has a thing for collections being “complete”) but we rarely watch them.
We also always start with Alfred Hitchcock movies. Initially, I was the sole Hitchcock fan, so Devon started with those our first year to “get them out of the way” because he’d never seen them and didn’t have a huge interest, but then he actually really liked some of them. I’m not sure why we still watch them first, maybe just for the sake of doing so, I don’t know.
What are some of your favorite horror movies? Are you all watching Scary Movies to kick off October?