Hair Life

Ooooo, I hate that rabbit….


Oh, sorry.  I was just watching Looney Toons.


Cause Spring Break.

Don’t hate.

I do have some plans for Spring Break, but not a ton.  Like we did go out yesterday.  I saw my derm and Devon and I went to visit a couple of his old co-workers and went to dinner.  We’re going to Devon’s Aunt’s for Easter and I have random plans with some friends once Devon goes back to school on Tuesday.

I also plan on spending some time spring cleaning the house.  It needs it.  It’s generally clean, just a little disorganized and cluttery.  I also do have a little work to do that I brought home with me.  But nothing crazy.

So my doctor told me that my iron level did go up some (I was reading the blood work wrong) but it still needs help.  My general doctor told me to try Vitrol-C which is easy on the stomach and has extra Vitamin C to aid in absorption but my derm told me to keep going with just the leafy greens and iron-rich foods.  She wants bloodwork again in 6 months, just for iron to see how it’s doing.  If it’s still low, then start the supplements.

I like the derm’s plan better so we’ll go with that.  She did also really like the progress my hair is making so she told me to follow-up in a year.  YAY!

On that note, I’m gonna go back to Looney Toons now.


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