Funny Random Saturday Shorts Shopping Wedding

Saturday Shorts

*I have been so lazy all day long.  The couch and I are becoming one with each other.  It’s a comfy couch.  It’s a good couch.

*When Devon asked me what I wanted for Christmas a couple of weeks ago, the only thing I could think of was to replace my well-loved and worn J. Crew wool peacoat that I have had since like sophomore year of college.  While it still fits well, and actually still looks good on the outside despite it being worn as my main winter coat for over 10 years, the lining is almost dead.  While I’m sure I could have it re-lined, it’d probably be better to just buy a new coat.  I’m fairly certain the Mcy’s box that came in a couple days ago is probably my new replacement.  I’m mad at myself that I didn’t see this Tennant-inspired trench before then.  Granted, I’m not fully one to wear all fandoms on me at all times….but this coat, tho….I would make an exception.  David Tennant wins everything.

*One of Devon’s favorite Black Friday scores was getting the entire series of Frasier on DVD from Amazon.  He’d actually been trying to get a good deal on it for a couple of years but every time he would search it was a sort of outrageous price.  Even now, the price isn’t bad, but I think he found it for about $40 on Black Friday.  So we’ve ben watching random Frasier marathons for like a week now.

*I found this meme on Facebook today and thought it was hilarious because it’s so me:

#teamhotchocolate forever.  There’s like a coffee/tea war in my area of the admin wing in my school.  Each just as loud and each just as caffeine-crazed, and when you add the debate over pumpkin-spiced everything into it? Oh lord.  Me? I just sip my hot chocolate (usually Dunkin Donuts, as it’s also better than Starbucks…another debate in our area….and yeah I said DD is better than Starbucks) and watch the debating.  Hot chocolate is just easier.  There’s no venti, foam, whip, half-whatever, shots-this, whatever else.  I am literally in and out of Dunkin donuts within the span of five minutes, sometimes less and it’s delicious.  Total win.

*Every year I feel like our Christmas tree leans to one side.  Devon tells me it’s fine and not leaning, but I swear as I sit here, it’s leaning to one side.  I checked the base and checked to make sure it was in securely and straight, which it is, but the top always looks a little off.  Maybe my eyes are crooked?

You’re welcome to tell me that I’m crazy, but it does look off to me.

*Devon is on dinner duty this weekend.  This means I get to continue my stretch of laziness today while he goes and gets to work on whatever it is that’s for dinner.  I just turned on one of TV Land’s many Golden Girls’ marathons, so I think I’m going to watch some hilarity and break out a couple of those “Brides” magazines a friend of mine gave me awhile back and start to brainstorm some things.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!!

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