Saturday Shorts


*I did not know it was possible for life to be this busy.  Between the end of the school year, graduation stuff, wedding planning, and the million other balls that I juggle on the regular anyway…..I’m so tired.

*This past Friday was our last actual day of school with the students and I couldn’t be more excited.  I still have like two more weeks of work, but I can wear jeans everyday; it’s like 9-2 instead of 7-4, lunch is provided every day; it’s a lot more laid back and calm.

*I have been unintentionally absent again, but I have a few things already scheduled for the next couple of weeks, so that is helping immensely.

*Today marks three weeks until our wedding.  I’m trying to not have a heart attack on the daily, which some days works…but others not so much.

*I am so disjointed in life right now; just in case you couldn’t tell from this Shorts; I’m pretty much all over the place.  Focusing will not be a strong suit of mine for the time being and I’m kind of okay with that for the time being.  There is too much going on for me to be laser focused on one thing.

*I’m starting to feel like we’ll need a vacation after the honeymoon to recover from all of this.

*It has rained so much and so hard here in the past couple of weeks.  It’s ridiculous.  If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen the saga of our fallen tree.  About a 60 foot tree fell right next to our house; literally right up against it.  It was finally moved after it being there for about five days (We rent, so the rental management company arranged it’s removal) and random movements.  Last weekend, my area got a record ten inches of rain in about 4 hours and now it’s currently downpouring again and has all day.  I don’t want to know how much rain we’ve gotten in the past few weeks, but if anyone claims we’re in a drought in the coming months, I will call them a severe liar.

*Devon is making paella for dinner and it smells amazing.

*I’m trying to catch up on things around here now that school is out…but I haven’t really been home to do it either, soooooo….it’ll get done eventually, I guess.

Hope everyone is staying dry this weekend! 

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