Saturday Shorts


*I legitimately cannot believe it’s Sunday night already. I feel like I’ve been going at like top speed since about 7am Thursday morning, which is probably only slightly kidding.  

*Thursday we did a Field Day for the girls since graduation was the next day.  That and we also needed use a kind of “chill” day after a really long and stressful year for everyone. But, of course, the day wasn’t without it’s drama that had to happen first thing in the morning.  In the grand scheme of things, it was a really nice day for everyone, but the antics of a few in the morning left a little bit of a grey cloud over everything.  Luckily, those few are being properly dealt with.  

*Friday was graduation for our class of 2017.  It was amazing. I love our graduations anyway because they are just filled with so much tradition and pomp and circumstance and all this amazing stuff to send our grads out happily.  But, we got to up the ante this year with a “military surprise”.  I’ve seen them all over Facebook and YouTube where a parent who is stationed overseas comes to surprise their child at their graduation and they are always so sweet.  Then to actually see one, 10 feet away from you, happen to a student you absolutely adore anyway (she is one of the kindest and gentlest young people I’ve ever encountered; and smart as hell – she was our Salutatorian and is going to Johns Hopkins next year – incredibly proud of her) who was sobbing in your office a week ago because she didn’t think her dad was going to make it home for graduation.  I’m in tears again just thinking about it.  It was easily one of the best things I’ve ever seen.  They called her name and as she walks up the steps, they stop her and say “we have a special guest to help present her diploma to her, all the way from the Middle East…” Me and every other faculty member pretty much burst into tears along with her. Nothing could ever top that, as far as I’m concerned.  Nothing.  

*Devon took a “mental health” day on Friday, so he was off, too.  It was actually very helpful.   Once graduation was over, I came home, picked him up and we got to go do a bunch of crap we can’t ever seem to get done otherwise.  By the time we hit the evening, I was pooped. 

*Saturday we had a couple of our really close friends over for dinner and game night. We love when these two come over (they’re married), they behave together the same way Devon and I do so it’s a ton of fun.  I made my homemade lasagna for them which took awhile because deliciousness doesn’t happen quickly.  They were here a good part of the day/night and we had a great time.  So, again, busy, but a good time.   

*Today we went to visit my mother for awhile and then went to see “Alien Convenant”.  It was a pretty good movie, just a little bit of gorey to keep it interesting.  

*I’m finally getting a few moments to sit and relax and doing some online shopping while Devon and I watch old “Frasier” episodes.  There might be a bottle of wine opened at some point since we don’t have to go to work tomorrow.  It’s like an extra Sunday and since I’ve been super busy I plan on using it to it’s fullest! 

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