Saturday Shorts


*Today is National Lipstick Day!  Pretty much every makeup line and beauty store has all the deals.  Most notably, MAC stores are giving away a free full sized lip color, which is pretty awesome (and I’d totally do it if I felt like leaving my house today) and Macys has some great lip deals from Tarte and Clinique.  You can head to the “Shop my IG” tab above to check them out or check out my Instastories for more details.

*I need to get back into my full gluten-free life that I had working before.  I went, more or less, totally off the wagon for the wedding and honeymoon, which was totally worth it. But I’ve been struggling to get fully back on the wagon since.  Between our friends wedding last weekend, reorganzing a lot of the house and my work office, what I was eating just wasn’t a priority.  My stomach has had quite a bout of unhappiness the past few days, so I think I really need to get back on track.  Now, that I know what to expect, I’m open to being a bit more experimental in my endeavors (homemade gluten-free bread, anyone?), so if you have any amazing gluten free recipes, feel free to drop them in the comments or email me.

*I have to work a bit this week.  I’m not totally looking forward to it, but it is what it is.  I have two weeks before heading back to school full time, so I guess it’s good to at least ease myself back into the routines.

*I really need a good nighttime moisturizer/skin care routine.  I have a good day time one that I feel is working really well, but I want to take better care of my skin at night while I’m sleeping.  I see my dermatologist on Wednesday and I’ll see if she has any recommendations, but I’m open to suggestions from the general public, too.  My skin is typically oily (which I know is great for keeping wrinkles away, but is still annoying), I don’t really have any wrinkles or dull spots but I do still have occasional acne breakouts. I’d love to start a new routine for my eyes.  I do have a couple fine lines around there, but those are more under my eyes as opposed to the corners, so I’d like to take better care of the skin around there.  I’m open to suggestions!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 

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