Saturday Shorts


*Welp…summer is officially over.  For me, at least.  I went back to work on Wednesday and the kids start coming back tomorrow.  We have freshman activities (retreat and orientation) tomorrow and Tuesday, then the whole school has an orientation day on Wednesday and then the first day of classes are Thursday.  It sounds like a lot (and it kind of is), but it’s a nice gradual transition into normal school life again.  It gives the freshman a little time to settle into their new existence and it gives us adults a little time to acclimate to being around students again.

*It does, again, make me long for fall.  Like, the weather.  It’s still hot and will be here for awhile, I’m sure.  But I want cardigan and scarf weather back like yesterday.  I’ve already king of started wearing cardigans in school (mostly because we keep the AC on cold) which is nice, but I’d like to be able to have it on and not feel like I’m dying when I walk outside.

*Devon is making BBQ ribs for dinner.  This always makes me happy.  It might not be the most low-cal dinner, but it’s delicious.

*I set my alarm for 5:15am tomorrow and I died a little inside.  It’s so early.  It’ll start being set for 5:00am when Devon is finally waking up with me (starting Thursday) since I’ll have a person to work around while getting ready.  It helps to have a few extra minutes.

*I need a new way to store my scarves.  They currently hang on the rod in my closet and I’m just over them being in the way when I’m picking out my clothes in the morning. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.  We don’t have a ton of room to do a lot of stuff, but some magical tips are acceptable.

*Some of my clothes have loosened up a little since I decided to finally start taking better care of myself again.  It’s kind of nice.  I have no idea what I weigh, nor did I know before.  Scale numbers have never been super important to me.  I just want to be healthier and feel better.  Seeing a bit of progress is nice and helps to keep me wanting to continue.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


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