Saturday Shorts


first day of fall

*Don’t pretend like you don’t know how excited I am that it’s finally fall, I feel like I’ve been waiting forever.  Plus, it’s going to be in the 60’s the next couple of days.  Yes, I know it’s going back to the 70’s after, but stop ruining this for me, okay?

*This was a hell of a week.  Like….I can’t even.  Just this week alone, two of my students sustained concussions, one we determined at the end of the school day yesterday as she fainted on me…she’s okay, relatively, now, anyway, but still with a pretty nasty bump on the head.  My solace is that we only have four actual school days next week (we have a faculty retreat day on Friday) and on Tuesday I’m helping chaperone a field-trip to Newseum.  Considering we’re now halfway through the first quarter, a little break from the normal routine will be nice.

*I’ve gotten a lot of people really loving the Casual Friday post I made yesterday, and it was actually a lot of fun for me.  I have a few things I want to play with in regards to it, but it is something I want to continue, so be on the lookout for a new one next Friday.

*I’m bringing my apple cinnamon candles out of hibernation and am very excited about it.  I essentially burn apple cinnamon most of fall and winter and it always makes me sad to put them away.  Plus I’m making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight (my recipe that I have on here, but now with gluten-free breadcrumbs, which initially scared Devon, which is why I haven’t made them in months, but what he doesn’t know is he already ate them once with GF breadcrumbs and never noticed…shhhhh). Having that for dinner and the apple cinnamon candles will make it feel so much like fall…and I will be happy.

*If you saw my IG Stories a couple weeks ago, I made my made-up version/rift on Chipolte burrito bowls and I wound up absolutely loving them.  So much so that I’m going to make them again for lunch/dinner this week and I’m going to take some photos and hopefully share it all on here in the next couple weeks.  I will warn you now, while none of it is hard to do, it’s a little bit of a process, but it definitely is worth it in flavor and worth it in the fact that it was a fraction of the cost of me buying a Chipolte bowl every day.

*Devon surprised me last night with an impromptu date night.  I’m still not entirely sure why, but I’m also not really asking too many questions either.  I was at Wegmans and was actually getting ready to text him to see if he wanted me to bring home anything specific for dinner when I get a text of, “So……I’m gonna need you to hurry up because I’m taking you out to dinner tonight.”  I’m like….OKAY!  Grabbed the last few things I needed and skedaddled on home.  After the long week I had, I was more than happy to have someone serve me some food and a strawberry margarita and to not have dishes to do afterwards.  He’s a nice husband…sometimes….sometimes he’s evil…but he was nice yesterday.

Happy first weekend of fall! 

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