ihop brunch
Saturday Shorts


*We brunched this morning. I mean nothing extravagant, but we do enjoy heading out to breakfast when we can. It’s fun to make breakfast at home and all, but it’s nice to let someone else do the dishes.

*I keep forgetting that I’m off again tomorrow. I’m not mad about it, in the slightest, but still keep forgetting. I do have a dentist appointment tomorrow, so let’s hope I don’t forget that.

*I think Devon and I had the most “married” conversation ever today. We actually sat down for like an hour talking about money and our finances and our goals, and plans for home buying and kind of like our goals of the next year or so. Seriously, after it, we were both like, who are we even? But I’m going to go a bit more in-depth to a lot of that later this week, not so much for full disclosure, but for how we’re approaching all of this change in our life to see if it may help someone else.

*I am doing some content planning this weekend, so if there is anything you’ve been dying to read about, or if you want me to bring back something that I mentioned and never followed-through with (I know me), let me know and I can put it in my calendar.

*I’ve gotten a lot of comments about my iPod from my post on Thursday. I do still own an iPod. Devon still has one in his car, too. I know it sounds weird, but we both have so much music downloaded and keeping an iPod in the car is just easiest. We both do have the classic iPods that aren’t really made anymore. Apple still makes iPod Touch models, but they don’t really do the classics, anymore. You can find a few on Amazon, though, but they’re pretty few and far between these days. I’m going to miss my iPod eventually. Devon and I both do have 160gb versions, so hopefully we get to keep them for a really long time.

*I have been purging parts of my house and it feels so nice to get rid of things. I’ve sold a bunch of things on Poshmark recently and eBay and it’s nice to see things leave. And I’ve been really good about not really buying anything recently, so it’s good to get rid of stuff. I’m not Marie Kondo-ing or anything like a lot of other people seem to be doing, but just general purging like I always seem to do this time of the year.

*Our kitchen sink is leaking again. If you remember, we just got a whole new sink, faucet and all of the things in our kitchen recently, and despite all of that, we’re still having issues again. It’s rather frustrating, and it was actually part of our “adulting” conversation we just had this afternoon.  So, we need to have our landlords handle that and maybe we can finally get it fixed permanently. 

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! 


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