Now that we are in the 27th month of quarantine…. I mean, I know not really…but doesn’t it feel like it? If you’re anything like Devon and I, you’ve finally reached the end of your “Watch List” on Netflix or Hulu or whatever you use, which admittedly feels really weird. Our list, at one point, …
Tag: TV
Suggestions for Binge-Watching
Regardless of the world climate, Devon and I are typically big fans of binge-watching shows, movies, series, etc. Since we all seem to be watching a bit more TV these days than we used to, I thought I’d give a peek into our recent watch list. I will admit, Devon and I don’t necessarily just …
Do you ever listen to the same song over and over again?
And when I say “over and over again”, I mean like you keep repeating the same song on your entire 45 minute drive to work? Just me? Okay. Well, if you happen to be as weird as I am, I understand your life. I’ve been in a little bit of a funk since yesterday, …
Favorite Netflix Binges
Last week I talked about my recent YouTube binges and a lot of you really seemed to like it, so I figured, why not add Netflix into the mix? I’ve mentioned before that, Devon and I didn’t really have Netflix until a few months ago. It was just one of those things that we didn’t …
Binge-Worthy TV Shows
Have you ever had one of those days where you just can’t get it together? That’s been my life today. I worked most of the day and this was scheduled to post, forever ago. It was just about an hour ago that I sat down and realized that it never happened; coincidentally when I sat …
My Top 5 TV Guilty Pleasures
Being the happy little introverts Devon and I are, TV is a big source of entertainment for us when we’re home. Sometimes we’re actively watching, sometimes it’s just there as background noise while we’re doing other things; but odds are if we’re home, the TV is on. Since it’s such a big part of our …
It’s time for us to break up…
With Once Upon A Time. Devon and I were avid watchers of the show since it started. But the past couple of seasons have left us pretty….underwhelmed. The plots seem either super outlandish or “been there done that”, and I know it’s a fantasy show, so outlandish is kind of the norm, but this is …