Saturday Shorts


*It never fails: whenever we decide to take a long weekend, Devon has to go and get sick on me.  Granted, it’s just a little bit of a cold, but still; it’s normal.  It’s why we’ve started not making super huge plans for these kinds of weekends because his body always seems to revolt.  But; it’s a nice relaxing time if nothing else.  It’s much needed.

*That wind yesterday, though?  That was absolutely insane.  All of the schools were closed because of a ton of accidents and power outages.  It gusted so hard some of the trees around us looked like they were actually bending in half.  Luckily we didn’t have too much tree breakage or damage here but it was severely windy for a good part of the day yesterday.

*We got our wedding invitations yesterday!  It was literally about a week between ordering them and receiving them and they look perfect!  I can’t wait to send them out; not sure when that is happening, but sometime soon.  🙂


They’re pretty and simple which is just what we wanted, so we’re both really happy with them.

*My FabFitFun box shipped!  Ya’ll know how much that thing excites me, so I can’t wait to get it!

*We are insanely busy the next few weeks.  Between work (Devon has Evening high school for awhile, acceptance/admissions season in my school ramps up for the next couple weeks as we welcome the new class), wedding planning, Devon’s birthday AND we now have a GALA TO PREPARE FOR.  It sounds really fancy.  My school has a gala event every year, which is essentially just a fancy fundraiser for the school, but it’s our 150th anniversary this year, so it’s extra big. A lot of families sponsor faculty members to go (since it’s one of those events that $150 per person) and a family sponsored my ticket, which was very sweet.  That means I drag Devon along with me.  So that’s just an additional thing to add to our already long list of things to do.

*So, we’re going to take a little bit of chill time while we have it; maybe stuff some invitations….get a little bit of work done…..maybe….we’ll see.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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