I don’t put a lot out about political beliefs or ideals here because it’s not really what this space is about. But being an educator, all of these school shootings and school safety as a whole is a big concern for me. And not just for my safety, for Devon’s safety, for all of my …
Author: Stephanie
Wedding Registry
So, let’s talk about the wedding registry! Yay! Or….not. Devon and I did our registries over the summer; super early but we knew that if we waited to do it until now or recently, it wasn’t likely to happen. With the school year in full we just don’t have full days to set out and …
From The Early Days….
I mentioned on Tuesday that Devon and I aren’t big on Valentine’s Day; which is true. We’ve never been the “you must buy flowers and candy” and whatnot just because it’s a certain day of the year. With the exception of our first Valentine’s Day (which we went “away” for the weekend – which was …
Valentine’s Day
I get extremely amused by Valentine’s Day Memes every year. It could be because I’ve never been one of those girls that sticks a ton of sentimental value on the day itself. I get the point of it, but I’m not one that requires this grand gesture just because the calendar says a certain day. …
*I need people to settle a debate between Devon and I: Is it bad luck to wear your wedding ring before the wedding? I’ve “tried” mine on a few times and every time I do, he’s like “take it off, it’s bad luck!!” I’ve never heard that and I think he’s full of it. Is …
5 Things About Me
I keep seeing the “5 Things About Me” floating around Instagram, so I thought I’d do one here. I always love these kinds of posts from other bloggers; it’s just fun to find out random things about the people behind the blogs. Depending on how well you know me, or how long you’ve been here, …
Curly Hair, Don’t Care
First of all, it’s finally February…. January felt like the longest month everrrrrr. Which part of me is grateful for since we have this big wedding thing to plan for in June but at the same time…..OMGAH……so long. I “celebrated” January finally ending by getting a little life put back into my hair. I’ve mentioned …