Fashion Shopping

Can I Wear Scarves and Cardigans Again, Please?

I just said not too long ago that I love this time of the year, right?

And don’t get me wrong, I do love the events of this time of the year.

But the weather, though?  I could do without it.  I essentially walk the line of reveling in the joy that is mine and Devon’s anniversary and my birthday and longing for cooler weather that would allow me to indulge in my love of wearing scarves and blazers and cardigans.

It doesn’t really help that essentially all I see in stores now are cardigans, blazers, scarves, sweaters….ya know, all the stuff I’m more than ready to wear?


I’ve been window shopping online the past week or so for some new pieces to add to my wardrobe for the fall (new school = new clothes, am I right?) and have seen some amazing pieces that I’m lusting after.

Why haven’t I bought anything yet?  Well, if you remember I mentioned that I seem to be on every stores email list and because of that I have a tendency to get inundated with birthday offers, like “Spend $100 and get an extra $30 off” or something like that.  And the week of my birthday here in Maryland is our tax-free clothing week.  So with both of those things coming, it would be silly of me to make a bunch of purchases right now when I can likely save money on them by waiting a couple weeks.

That doesn’t mean I can’t show you guys what I’m eyeing though and let all of you long for fall right along with me.

FYI: I shop, literally, everywhere, so all of these things are coming from many different stores, which I will link below the photos if you are interested in snagging any of these items.

Also, for the record, I am so NOT a dress/skirt person…so if you’re hoping for those…I apologize in advance for your disappointment.

I am, however, very much a basics and staples person, meaning a lot of my clothes aren’t super “on trend” all the time or crazy patterns/prints.  I like being able to keep an item and get a lot of use out of it.  I also try to purchase items that have more than just one purpose; like a knit top I could wear to work and dress down with jeans on the weekend.

First up are tops/blouses.  This is probably the item I get the “craziest” when I’m clothes shopping.  A nice pattern or design can be a great focal point in any outfit.

Blouse collage

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We never really got cold enough in Baltimore last year for nice chunky sweaters, which made me sad.  Cardigans, however, are my jam no matter what the season is, so I can’t WAIT to have those back.


One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six / SevenEight / Nine / Ten

I. Love. Blazers.  Probably more than any other garment, ever.  They’re just amazing.  I mean I love coats in general, just take a look at my overflowing entryway closet and you’ll be able to tell that easily.  While I don’t really need another coat this year, am I likely to get one?  Yeah….I know I have a problem.


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When it comes to pants and jeans, I’m not a big fan of the “skinny” ones; there are a couple here and there that I find and like to wear with my riding boots.  But, for the most part, I love the figure flattering flare and boot-cut styles.  They really accentuate the legs so nicely, in my opinion, so I wear them most of all.  I also love a good wide-leg, I’d never say no to those.

And admittedly, while I am big on looking for deals and sales on most of my clothes, my jeans typically don’t follow that.  I love a good quality, soft jean, so most of my jeans are “higher end”; I do still try to get a good sale on them, but I’m not one who will usually buy a pair from Target and be super excited about them.  I love Lucky Brand’s flares (which there is a pair of those below) and I have a a few pairs of those in my closet at all times.


One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six / Seven / Eight / Nine / Ten / Eleven

Accessories are my ultimate weakness (if you’ve seen my 60+ scarves, you’d understand), so those are going in a post all to themselves.  There’s no way I could weed down my favorites to just a few like I did with the items above.

You know the most ironic thing about me doing this post today?  Today is probably the coolest it’s been in the Baltimore metro area since…like…May.  It’s currently 75 degrees outside, which feels amazing, and just makes me long for cooler weather even more than I already am.


I know fall is coming….just not quite fast enough.

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