Casual Friday

Casual Friday #9

It’s like two weeks before Christmas Break and I am riding the struggle bus hard right now as a result.

Like…it’s bad.

I really just want to be in my pajamas, drinking hot chocolate, watching movies, purging my house (part of my Christmas break plans) and sleeping late.  This whole working life thing is hard, man.  And all the students in my building are just as done as the adults, but we still have to get through midterms before we can go on vacation.

But, I digress.

So today, I’m embracing the pajama/comfy vibe and making my Casual Friday unbelievably casual.

Starting with my absolute favorite yoga pants from Aerie.

Aerie Chill High Waisted Flare Yoga Pants

The style/leg width can change a little every couple of years, but the general structure of the pant stays the same.  And they are SO comfortable.  I wear them almost daily when I’m at home.  I own about 10 pairs of them and have owned them for a few years; so they last a really long time, even with heavy wear and washing.  They appear to be 50% off online right now, so if you need a really comfy lounge pant, take a look at them.  Plus, they come in long, which makes me extremely happy as I like these pants a little longer.

Depending on the season depends on whether or not I wear short sleeves or a long sleeve tee with these.

Since we usually keep our house pretty chilly and since it’s cold outside, I’d probably pair it right now with this long sleeve sweatshirt from Aerie (which is also currently 50% off).

Aerie Cozy City Sweatshirt

Plus, I really just like the color and the oversized style to it.

Because I am me and I really like slipper socks, I really love these sloth ones:

AEI Sloth Christmas Socks

Plus, it’s basically my life on a sock.  #notamorningperson

Happy Friday!  The weekeend is only a few hours away!


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